Overcoming Change Management Challenges and Timing System Changes With VARC Solutions’s Brad White

While the pandemic set the digital transformation of business in motion, the rapid transition toward digitization and automation isn’t ending anytime soon. In fact, Statista found that 74% of companies considered digital transformation a top priority in 2022, up from 54% in 2020. Plus, artificial intelligence is also accelerating the need for adopting digital-first tools.

It’s no longer feasible for a company to continue working from disconnected spreadsheets. Switching to intelligent platforms is rapidly becoming necessary to save valuable time, improve organizational workflows, and keep pace with your competition.

While the changes are critical, it doesn’t make the switching process any less daunting. First, you have to find the right tech fit and then plan the change for the most optimal time.

Typically, that means opting for a technology swap at the start of a new year as the tax cycle resets, but no single date is perfect for every business. A lot of issues can pop up during system swaps, so we turned to Brad White of VARC, who shared his strategies on how to overcome change management challenges.

Why should you switch your systems?

Before we dive deeper into how to manage change initiatives in your business, let’s consider what you’ll get from transforming your systems. It all comes back to the three core concepts of the change management process — people, processes, and technology.

Employee satisfaction (people)

It’s a heavy ask to expect employees to balance their normal job scope with extra daily data entry tasks for items like inventory audits, vendor management, and product return processing. The extra detailed work and constant interruptions of their normal duties lead to a frustrated team. Rather than being happy about a growing business, your employees are likely more worried about burnout and stress due to unnecessarily time-consuming tasks.

But if you fix the system and address their concerns, you’re going to win them over. According to Brad, you’ll have “happy people who know that the company is prioritizing their needs.”

Enhanced efficiency (processes)

Reducing operational inefficiencies has remained the second most sought-after goal of digital transformation strategies since 2020, just behind improved customer experience.

By implementing organizational change based on digitization, you can take out many manual roadblocks. For example, instead of a person overseeing inventory management and preparing manual orders, you can configure an automated process that handles all those tasks.

Cin7’s software lets you send automatic reports to relevant stakeholders and cut down the time your team spends compiling those reports.

Improved integrations (technology)

By switching to tools that better fit your business needs, you can improve workflows and eliminate bottlenecks. For instance, if an employee was previously re-entering new information from a third-party source to your internal tech stack, a new system that integrates with your other software allows automated data transfers.

Utilizing these integrations reduces human error, creates more flexible and scalable workflows, and gives your employees more time to focus on other tasks that maximize your business’s revenue.

Why is change management important?

While switching systems to new technology appears to be a straightforward choice, the complicated change implementation and migration process can make decision-making difficult. Managing the changes with a strong change management plan is vital for a good outcome.

Effective change management ensures:

  • Better communication
  • Better decision-making
  • Lower stress
  • Improved productivity
  • More satisfied employees

Brad explains that while making a switch would take time and energy, he’s going to have a happier team at the end. He’ll have people who know they’re not wasting their time.

How to overcome change management challenges

To ensure a successful switch, you need to take your time and research, earn buy-in from all stakeholders, and opt for technology with the least employee resistance for project success. Part of that is having a plan and sticking to it.

Pick the appropriate time to switch

Timing is one of the most important factors in deciding the success of a change effort. Just like an e-commerce website schedules its maintenance in slow periods, part of successful change management is picking a period with the least impact on internal operations and employees.

Status quo changes make taxes complicated for employees and the company without careful planning. For example, you’ll have to import all the previous payroll information into the new solution, and Brad shares that you need the prior paycheck information to know whether you have hit the limits for things like Social Security. Missing that information could mean failing to stay compliant with tax regulations. Plus, swapping your payroll system in the middle of the income tax year in the U.S. could cause employees to get two W-2s.

To ensure the new system rollout happens without major disruptions, Brad recommends picking one of the following two times to make the switch and planning for at least two months in advance of the switch date.

End of the financial year

The end of the financial year is the perfect clean slate you can use to start fresh as the new period begins. As accounting and financial cycles close and tax periods roll over, you can switch to a newer system without worrying about data split across multiple systems.

In other words, if you start with a new tech stack at the start of a new financial year, there’s a limited need for manual data migration, which makes the change much less complicated.

End of a quarter

While the end of a financial year is a great opportunity for switching business systems, you can’t always wait that long. Sometimes, you might lose too much money in the inefficiencies during the wait. In that case, Brad suggests the end of the quarter is a good alternative “since you file sales tax return monthly or quarterly in most cases.”

Research and plan ahead

Once you’ve chosen a switch date, you need to plan backward to give time for research. A recommended change management strategy is to allow at least two months of research and preparation before the switch date.

Brad says that if you plan on a Jan. 1 change, “You should be entertaining solutions in the October-November timeframe. That way, you have enough time to vet the solutions and decide on one to implement before the year ends.”

For e-commerce businesses, this planning and researching period can be difficult with the Thanksgiving and Christmas holiday sales season. Online sales are expected to reach $221.8 billion in 2023, and every retailer works hard to capture a piece of those sales. However, Brad recommends that businesses find a way to prioritize planning in spite of the busy season, as the result will position them better in the long run.

Gather feedback

As a change leader handling project management, you need a lot of data to make decisions. Take the initiative and start by gathering feedback from your team members, including senior management. Get feedback on what is needed to meet company goals, what problems are causing delays in work completion, and what tasks are frustrating.

Look for partners with relevant experience

A system change isn’t just a copy-and-paste solution. It often involves creating custom solutions to ensure data can be migrated to new systems and that new tech stacks work with your unique processes.

You’ll need a partner with experience in complex migration processes and who specializes in software that meets your needs. A partner should be able to guide you through the process, whether it is fully automated or requires some manual data migration and software customization.

Once you’ve narrowed down the choices, ask clarifying questions from the short-listed partners to ensure they understand your problems and have the solutions for them.

For instance, if you want to migrate from QuickBooks Desktop to QuickBooks online, check out VARC Solutions.

Take small steps

It’s likely you have more than one system that needs replacement. For example, you may want to improve your inventory, sales, payroll, and accounting systems.

Switching all of these systems at once generally isn’t a good idea. Instead, take small steps and identify the necessary upgrades, whether that means one program at a time or two interconnected systems at once.

When you upgrade your connected inventory performance (CIP) to the next level via Cin7, you’ll need to switch to QuickBooks Online if you’re using Quickbooks Desktop because the desktop version lacks a modern API and is being discontinued by QuickBooks.

However, you won’t necessarily need to overhaul your payroll system during the process. You can look at tackling that change the following year.

In other words, if required, you can tackle more than one system simultaneously. Just be advised that attempting multiple changes increases project complexity. We recommend focusing on no more than two at a time.

Final thoughts: Overcoming change management challenges during a switch

Changing your business systems is rarely a smooth ride, but if you practice good change management strategies like doing research and preparing your employees ahead of time to avoid culture shock, you can minimize disruptions.

The end result of a well-planned system switch makes your future organizational changes easier. For instance, opting for Cin7’s inventory management system opens your organization to easier integrations with systems like Shopify, Xero, Amazon, and QuickBooks.

So, if you’re looking for a modern inventory solution that simplifies and multiplies your business, start your free trial today.

Cin7 Core: The Catalyst for Unprecedented Business Growth

In today’s dynamic digital landscape, businesses are perpetually searching for software solutions that streamline their processes. As a distinguished Cin7 premium partner in Australia, Software4Business has observed dramatic transformation on our clients who transitioned to Cin7 Core.

These clients grappled with an array of challenges posed by conventional ERP systems, ranging from prohibitive server maintenance costs and exorbitant consulting fees to antiquated desktop technology, unreliable stock data, and complex pricing structures. Cin7 Core is a paragon of efficiency and integration that manifests itself in Connected Inventory Performance. These factors propel clients of Software4Business, and other small businesses, towards unparalleled growth.

Features & Benefits: The Cin7 Core Distinction

  1. Linking to Xero and QuickBooks: Conventional accounting systems often fall short when it comes to inventory management and tracking. Cin7 Core’s seamless integration with Xero and QuickBooks fills these voids, delivering a holistic solution.
  2. E-commerce Integration: Cin7 Core exhibits unmatched agility in e-commerce management, whether it’s a single platform or a myriad of websites. Integrations include WooCommerce, Shopify, Magento, BigCommerce, eBay, Etsy, and Amazon, ensuring real-time, accurate inventory data.
  3. Precise Inventory Management: The platform’s intuitive stock adjustment and stocktake modules empowers businesses to update inventory numbers instantaneously, maintaining accurate stock levels and eradicating discrepancies.
  4. B2B Website Portal: The Cin7 Core B2B portal transforms wholesale interactions.with dynamic and tiered pricing structures that reflect purchase volumes and a strong partner network. This adaptability enables businesses to craft bespoke pricing strategies, solidifying enduring relationships, and encouraging growth among new partners. This is B2B commerce, redefined.
  5. Adaptive Custom Pricing: Cin7 Core stands out with its versatile pricing module. The discount, deal, custom pricing and price tier modules are adept at managing intricate promotional strategies and unique client-specific rates. The platform facilitates effortless management, accessible through both product and customer interfaces, ensuring precision and adaptability in every pricing scenario.
  6. Barcode App for Efficient Inventory Management: The barcode app from Cin7 Core transforms inventory management. Using the app helps you to streamline processes from product intake to delivery, minimizing errors, and expediting routine stock procedures.
  7. Integrated Payment Portal: Timely payments are vital, and Cin7 Core’s integration with popular payment modules like PayPal and Stripe simplifies transactions, hastening revenue collection and smoothing out reconciliations.
  8. POS System for Rapid Sales: Cin7 Core’s POS system is designed for quick sales and managing multiple branches. It offers robust stock control and facilitates seamless inter-branch transfers.

Real-Life Transformations with Cin7 Core

What Software4Business is seeing with our clients.

  • Food distributors are optimizing their operations using the Cin7 Core barcode app.
  • Spare part manufacturers are effortlessly syncing multiple platforms including WooCommerce, Shopify, and eBay.
  • Medical companies are refining their ordering processes through Cin7 Core’s native B2B platforms.
  • Industries ranging from cosmetics to apparel are utilizing contract manufacturing and landed cost functionalities for enhanced margin control.

Cin7 Core Vs. The Competition

While there are other systems with seemingly comparable features, none rival Cin7 Core in terms of integration capabilities, user-friendliness, and overall efficiency. Cin7 Core’s strength and compatibility becomes evident when you compare it to other offerings. Most of our clients continue to use Cin7 Core as they expand to additional ventures,, showcasing their trust in both the software and the support provided by Software4Business.

Unmatched User Experience with Cin7 Core

The initial transition to Cin7 Core may necessitate a brief adjustment period; however, the platform’s intuitive design ensures a swift and smooth learning curve. Clients consistently laud the software for its focus on user experience, with features like a vibrant and intuitive icon-based sales tracking system that makes business monitoring both efficient and visually engaging.

The Future with Cin7 Core and Software4Business

As the team at Cin7 Core continues to enhance the product with more advanced modules like manufacturing and CRM, new data grid improvements, and expanded integrations with shipping aggregators, Software4Business’s clients are poised for even greater growth. The ongoing enhancements to this remarkable software’s integrations and functionalities mean that the future for businesses utilizing it is exceptionally bright.

Conclusion: Cin7 Core – Transforming Business for the Better

The transition from traditional ERP systems to Cin7 Core has marked a new era of efficiency and growth for Software4Business’s clients. Bottlenecks are eliminated, operations are streamlined, and growth transitions from a distant dream to a tangible reality. Cin7 Core is not just a software; it is a growth partner, proving that Connected Inventory Performance can, indeed, redefine the trajectory of business success.

Take the leap, and remember: for professional assistance in transitioning to Cin7 Core, reach out to Hanno and the team at Software4Business. Your journey towards business growth and connected inventory starts here.

Cin7 Announces the Members of the 2023 Partner Advisory Council

At Cin7, we make selling products easier by enabling connected inventory performance (CIP). Our Partner Program is a hallmark part of our business – offering joint offerings with key partners to maximize the value we deliver for our customers. We work together with our partners to create a seamless experience for clients so they can scale their businesses efficiently.

Each year at the Cin7 Partner Summit, we appoint a board of partners to serve as advisors on our products, the customer experience, and in-market offerings. Members of the Partner Advisory Board serve for one year and serve on the Partner Advisory and Product Councils are part of their tenure in the program.

Last year, the Partner Advisory Board made a tangible customer impact by driving innovation and customer-centric changes in key areas. We’re grateful for each board member’s expertise and are excited to work with this year’s board to continue the impactful work we began in 2022.

Michelle Calkins, Global VP of Partnerships, says, “This year’s Board makes up our highest performing partners and industry leaders. We have representation from across the ecommerce, accounting, inventory, and services space and look forward to the collaboration with our Board.”

We’re proud to announce the following partners as members of our 2023 Partner Advisory Board.

2023 Cin7 Partner Advisory Board Members

Inventory Technology Partners

BDO Information Systems Limited

Symphony Development Group

Beyond Expectations

SMB Consultants

Integration Kings

Easy Insight

Hawk Consulting




Become a Cin7 Partner

At Cin7, we believe that growth is better together. According to CEO David Leach, “Partners are bringing forward the best of our company values. The innovation and collaboration we experience in the Partner Advisory Board exemplifies the best of our ecosystem.”

Our joint solutions empower you to add value to your customer relationships, increase retention, and take advantage of more opportunities for upselling and cross-selling.

The Partner Program provides exposure that helps you expand your customer base, whether you want to target your existing market or branch out into new geographies. Our customers are located around the world, and 75% of them are actively seeking partner services.

Ready to add your listing to our directory and start growing together? Join the Partner Program today.

Cin7 Spotlight: New Cin7 Onboarding Packages for Core

Here at Cin7, we’re always looking for new ways to improve our processes and products to help our customers succeed.

As such, we’re excited to talk about the new Cin7 onboarding packages we launched on September 1, 2023.

We’ve created some pretty comprehensive, convenient packages that will help you make the most out of Cin7 Core. After all, we want Cin7 users to master their new inventory management software to start selling quicker.

With that in mind, let’s go into why we created these packages and what each entails.

Why we’ve added these onboarding packages

We get it — the better you understand Cin7 Core, the more you can make the product work for you.

We also realize that not all of our customers learn the same way or have the same business needs. Some people are transferring from one inventory system to ours, and others have never worked with an integrated inventory system before.

To address all different customers’ needs, we created three levels of onboarding experiences to ensure every customer and their business is set up for success in the most convenient and easy way possible for them.

Keep reading to learn more.

The Essentials package

First up, we have our Essentials package. This is our basic level of onboarding and a great choice to get up and running at your own pace.

The Essentials package is completely digital and available on demand, so you can walk through the steps at your convenience.

This user-friendly package includes step-by-step guided walkthroughs directly in Cin7 Core that will show you how to complete every step of your account setup, in addition to how to perform everyday tasks after you’re up and running.

You’ll also gain access to our brand new Onboarding courses in Cin7 Core Academy if you need extra training while tackling some of the setup tasks and modules.

Moreover, you’ll have access to live pre-scheduled office hours with one of our onboarding experts. Ask them questions while you complete the self-guided materials and go over any last-minute concerns you might have.

Use the guided walkthroughs to complete the steps and modules you need now and progress through more as your business grows. By focusing on the basics first, you’ll be up and running in no time.

The Accelerate package

If you’re looking for a more immersive experience, the Accelerate package is a great option for your team. It’s the fastest and most efficient way to complete onboarding.

In this package, we’ve opted for a structured group experience. Over a four-week period, your team will attend a series of live sessions delivered by one of our Cin7 Core onboarding experts.

These sessions are supplemented with self-guided material and live pre-scheduled office hours with one of our onboarding experts for extra training as needed.

You’ll also get the chance to network. We offer these onboarding sessions in groups of up to six Cin7 customers, allowing you to meet others using Cin7 and learn from them.

The Focused package

Last but certainly not least, we have the Focused package. This package is uniquely tailored to each customer.

We strongly recommend this to any customers who require guidance for Warehouse Management, B2B, Point of Sale, Automation, and Integrations with their Cin7 Core subscription.

In this onboarding package, you’ll receive one-on-one virtual onboarding with a Cin7 expert over 8–12 weeks. And when we say it’s tailored for you, we mean it — everything will be built around your specific business needs.

In addition to the one-on-one sessions, you’ll review the standard Cin7 Core material and get plenty of opportunities to ask questions, get feedback, and ensure you feel comfortable with Cin7 Core.

Onboard today and grow your business

Your best interests align with ours. That’s why we want to provide you with an onboarding experience to set you up for success.

With these new onboarding packages, you can conveniently set up your Cin7 Core account to manage and grow your business quickly.

Whether that is to simply set up the basics on your own for now, prefer a structured environment and pace, or have complex requirements and processes, we have the right package and onboarding support for you to sell more, manage less, and connect everything.

Onboard with Partners

Cin7 Core onboarding packages are designed to provide expert assistance for you to onboard your own account. However, we know that some businesses may need even more. If you desire onsite consulting, business process optimization, or other third-party expertise, we have a large partner network ready to help. Check out our partner directory.

Find out more about how Cin7 Core can help your team’s inventory management today.

Connected Inventory With Cin7 Core – Recent Updates

It’s the moment you’ve been waiting for all summer long – the August Cin7 Virtual Product Event! Wait, you actually have a life outside of developing a connected inventory system? What’s that like? Just kidding, we just love what we do and wouldn’t have it any other way.

And we’ve been super busy working on great new updates this past quarter. Our customers had over $35 billion in GMV in 2022, which is really impressive, and we’re dedicated to continuing to improve our products with the features you’ve asked for so we can help you grow even more in 2023.

We’re not the only ones excited about the prospects of cloud-based intelligent commerce either. IDC polled businesses worldwide, and  67% of respondents said cloud-based technology would probably have the biggest impact on their supply chain performance in the next two years!

We’ve introduced a lot of new features and integrations in the second quarter of 2023. Some of these updates include changes to reports, a new visual scheduler in production, and of course, our new integration with Walmart.

We’ve also got a sneak peek behind the curtain of changes we’re getting ready to roll out in the second half of the year for you.

Our newest changes will help you track your connected inventory over each stage of development and across all the marketplaces you sell on.

Cin7 Core updates and highlights

First of all, we want to give a big shoutout to Ciara Rogers, Senior Product Manager of Production and Manufacturing, and Alexandra Bogusevici, Senior Product Manager for Cin7 Core, for showing us the new updates in action. They demoed some of the new changes to Cin7 Core by walking us step-by-step through a customer order, from the initial phone call all the way through to a return and the restocking process.

Our features are shaped by the feedback we receive from our customers and partners, helping us ensure we create a connected inventory system that addresses their needs.

Easier restocking

Making returns seamless is definitely a priority for our customers. The National Retail Federation estimated 16.5% of all sales in 2022 were returned – that’s a value of $816 billion. We’re making it easier to keep restocks accurate.

Restock at the location of your choice (either from your computer, a mobile device using the Cin7 Core WMS app, or on the shopfloor with Cin7 Core WMS) with the associated sales order number. Once restocked in Cin7 Core, the item becomes available to all of your integrated selling channels, such as your ecommerce site or marketplaces.

Role-based dashboards

Another big change is our new role-based dashboards. We’re starting with our sales dashboard, which will be released soon, and will be introducing others as well. These dashboards will help admins customize the dashboard experience for different users based on their responsibilities, helping with productivity, user experience, and hopefully driving better business outcomes.

New customer dual POS screen

There’s also a new customer-facing screen to help you see what the customer does. You’ll still have your detailed POS screen with a breakdown of line items, but you’ll also see a simplified view that your customers do, helping you to troubleshoot and walk through any customer requests.

Fast app login options

Something your warehouse and manufacturing teams will be excited about is the new ability to log in to the app with Google, Face ID, or fingerprint authentication. One less password to remember is always a win.

Updates to our integrations

While we weren’t selected for the knighthood (yet), Cin7 is now an approved official solution provider for Walmart as of July 2023. And that’s pretty close in the world of retail.

In all seriousness, this means our integration works seamlessly with Walmart’s marketplace (can we get a high-five)! And Walmart trusts Cin7 to keep vendor inventories connected to Walmart’s systems.

When we spoke to Dylan of Seattle Pottery Supply, he told us, “Core has always been the ‘core’ of our stack. I chose Core because of all of the strong integrations as well as the strong API.” Here’s another integration to add to our growing list.

With this integration, you can quickly link or unlink products from your Cin7 Core application and view Walmart-specific sales records as well. You can even sync stock levels between the two platforms.

This joins our list of other integrations, such as with Shopify, Amazon, eBay, Quickbooks, and Xero.

Circular diagram with Cin7 integration logos inside of it.

We’ve also made updates to our Quickbooks integration. Now you can sync gift card payments more accurately between Cin7 Core and Quickbooks online. Credit card payments are now correctly reflected in Quickbooks online too. Trust us, your accountants will thank you for this one.

We’re always working to add updates based on customer feedback, so if you’ve got a suggestion for us, we’re all ears.

Coming soon to an inventory intelligence system near you

We’re proud to be an innovative solution to inventory management. As part of our forward-thinking changes, we’ve got some big developments planned for 2023.

Role-based dashboards

Our role-based dashboards will help you focus on the information you need to complete your job. These are personalized for you and your team. First, we’ll be releasing the Sales Dashboard, which aims to provide key insights for various roles, such as Sales Reps or Sales Managers. Users will be able to view KPIs such as Sales Performance, Order Management, Product Performance, and more! We’re also working on a procurement dashboard, and more role-based dashboards are coming soon.

Create product descriptions with ChatGPT

Yes, we’re jumping on the AI bandwagon, this is supposed to be intelligent commerce, after all. We’re excited about the possibilities of machine learning and automation to save you time. We’re leveraging AI tools into practical applications that can help Cin7 and inventory management.

We’re currently working on an integration with ChatGPT to generate better product descriptions for you with the touch of a button, directly from your Cin7 Core product page. We are excited to make this available to our early adopter customers. If you are interested in using this feature and giving us feedback, please contact us at marketing@cin7.com

Let us know if you’d like to be part of the test, we’d love to get your feedback!

The future of connected inventory with Cin7

Like your personal inventory superhero, we’re bringing capabilities that were once only available to enterprise-level corporations to small businesses, democratizing the connected inventory system.

Staying ahead of the curve and developing cutting-edge tools requires us to be faster than the speed of digital, but we’ll never let our forward-facing position compromise our dedication to listening to our customers.

Cin7 Core customer Flo of Marshfield Farms, found Cin7 to be instrumental in bringing their inventory system into the 21st century. “When we moved into Cin7 Core, the level of detail that we can see across all functions of the business is really amazing.”

We’ll continue to prioritize new features that you specifically ask for as we improve our product as a whole. So seriously, please continue providing that awesome feedback.

We’d love to show you how we can bring inventory intelligence to your business. We’re only a click away, so reach out and let us show you how we can help. Cin7 is all about bringing cutting-edge technology to our customers, and we are committed to continually improving inventory systems for everyone.

51 staggering small business statistics to know in 2023


Americans love small businesses. In fact, statistics on small businesses show that 47% of Americans shop small at least twice a week.

It’s not just consumers who love small businesses — the economy does too. You’ve likely heard the saying before, “Small businesses are the backbone of the U.S.,” and it’s true. Millions of new small firms enter the market every year, creating hundreds of thousands of jobs across all industries and millions of dollars flowing into the economy.

However, even with the support they receive, they aren’t without their struggles. Small businesses were hit the hardest with recent turbulent economic times with supply chain delays and inflation rising costs across the board.

Follow along as we look into the small business landscape of 2023 — what small businesses are most profitable, where they thrive, why some fail, and more. For a quick visual on the most insightful small business statistics, jump to our infographic below.

Key Findings:

  • More than 33 million small businesses in the U.S. employ more than half the American workforce.
  • On average, nearly 70% of small businesses make it past their first two years and 50% succeed beyond year five.
  • It’s common for small business retailers to utilize multiple sales channels, including an e-commerce website, Amazon, eBay, Shopify, and Etsy.
  • Inventory distortion causes a $1.1 trillion loss worldwide, and inventory and manufacturing waste $163 billion annually. Largely, in part, due to human error.
  • 71% of consumers expect better quality support from a small business compared to larger corporations, and they’re willing to pay for it, too.

What is a small business?

The definition of a small business isn’t as cut and dry as you may think. The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) sets the classification parameters, which vary by industry sector, revenue, and employment numbers. Some small businesses, as defined by the SBA, might make millions of dollars in revenue each year or employ hundreds, sometimes thousands, of workers.

For example, a jewelry retailer with an annual revenue of $20.5 million or less is considered a small business. However, the SBA also labels a cosmetics retailer earning $34 million as a small business. Additionally, book publishers with 1,000 employees classify as small businesses, but a new car dealership employing 300 people is not. For a full classification, look to the SBA table of size standards.

Beyond the numerical requirements, small businesses must also be:

  • For-profit
  • Independently owned
  • Not dominant in the field at a national level
  • Located and operated within the U.S.

01General small business statistics

  • Half of small firms operate out of the owner’s home.

  • The five states with the most small businesses are California, Texas, Florida, New York, and Illinois.

  • Small businesses account for the following industry market share:

    • Retail: 18%
    • Food and restaurant: 12% 
    • Fitness, beauty, and health services: 10%
    • Construction and contracting: 8%
    • Residential and commercial services: 7%
    Circle proportional area chart showing small business industry market share.
  • There are 33,185,550 small businesses in the United States.

  • Most small businesses (43%) classify as LLCs, followed by S corporations at 30%, C corporations at 18%, Sole Proprietorships at 6%, and partnerships at 3%.

  • Only 21% of small businesses start from scratch. Most (46%) operate on a franchise license, and 35% start from an existing business.

    Outline of a hand holding a tall building.

02Small business employment statistics

  • 46% of the U.S. workforce is employed by small firms.

  • Most small businesses (38%) operate with just two to five employees. 18% have six to eight employees and 16% are employed just the business owner. 9% have 11 to 15 employees, 6% have 16 to 20 employees, and 6% have 21 to 30 employees.

  • Over the last two decades, small firms have brought nearly 17.3 million jobs to the economy. 26% of businesses plan to continue to bolster job growth by adding to their team in 2023.

  • 47% of small firms faced difficulty filling positions in the past year. The most common challenges include:

    • Few applicants or low interest in the organization: 27%
    • Competition: 17%
    • Candidates don’t have the experience: 18%
    • Candidates don’t have the hard skills: 12%
    • Candidates don’t have the soft skills: 11%
    Horizontal bar chart showing the five most common hiring challenges small businesses face,

03Small business accounting and finance statistics

  • Rollovers for Business Startups (ROBS) fund more than half (52%) of small firms. Other common methods of financial sourcing are cash (19%) and SBA loans (13%). Less common methods are term loans (4%) or lines of credit (3%).

  • Owners spend the following to get their small businesses off the ground:

    • $250K–500K: 27%
    • $50K–175K: 26%
    • $500K–1M: 16%
    • $175K–250K: 14%
    • More than $1M: 12%
    • Less than $50K: 4%
    Six circular bar charts show how much owners spend to start their small businesses.
  • Small businesses generate more than 44% of U.S. economic activity.

  • Small business owners make a $63,494 salary on average. The average minimum salary is $29K, and the average maximum is $128K.

    Icon of hand, gear, and calendar to represent business operations.

  • 17% to 25% of a typical business’s budget is allocated for inventory.

    Two boxes of inventory stacked on one another.

  • Labor costs account for 70% of small business spend — their largest expense.

04Small business challenges statistics

  • $1.1 trillion lost from inventory distortion worldwide.
    $163 billion lost annually from inventory waste worldwide.

  • 14% of owners report cash flow as a main concern, with 11% facing supply chain issues.

  • The most common challenge for 22% of small business owners is recruiting and retention.

  • 43% of cyberattacks target small firms, with 57% coming from phishing attacks, 33% from stolen devices, and 30% from credential theft.

  • Human error is the main reason why the average U.S. small retailer has only 63% inventory accuracy.

    A box of inventory taped shut.

05Small business failure statistics

  • California, Massachusetts, and Louisiana have the highest success rates in the U.S., whereas Washington, Kansas, and Michigan have the three worst rates.

  • 40% of small businesses will become profitable eventually, but 30% lose money, and 30% break even.

  • The most common reasons businesses fail are:

    • Lack of demand
    • Lack of capital
    • Weak marketing
    • Poor inventory management

    A white arrow points down.

  • On average, 22% of businesses fail within their first year, 32% in the second, and half by their fifth. After this point, the failure rate slows, and by the 10-year mark, 66% have closed.

  • The most profitable small businesses are those in:

    • Home healthcare
    • Photography
    • Leisure and hospitality
    • Personal care
    • Cybersecurity

06Small business technology statistics

  • Only 18% of small businesses utilize inventory management software (IMS).

    A pie chart tells what methods small businesses use for inventory management.
  • 64% of small business owners use accounting software to manage their books.

  • 50% of small businesses rely on customer relationship management (CRM) tools.

  • 29% of small businesses use artificial intelligence in some manner, from task automation to forecasting analysis.

  • By 2025, over 50,000 warehouses will hold a combined 4 million commercial robots.

  • More than a third of companies plan to add more scannable bar codes (SKUs) and bar code scanners to improve inventory accuracy.

  • 3,600 toggles per day Is the number of times a typical worker switches between apps. The toggling tax — the time spent switching between apps and the cognitive effort it requires — adds up to five work weeks each year.

07Small business sales and marketing statistics

  • More than half of Amazon sellers make more than $5,000 a month, and 58% spend less than that to start.

  • It’s common for small business retailers to utilize numerous sales channels. The most common are:

    • E-commerce website: 66%
    • Amazon: 24%
    • eBay: 22%
    • Shopify: 7%
    • Etsy: 4%
    A pie chart shows what sales channels small businesses use to sell inventory.
  • Most small business post frequently on their social media:

    • Monthly: 94%
    • Weekly: 79%
    • Daily: 52%
    • Less than once a month: 6

    Icon of hand and calendar to represent scheduling social media posts.

  • 55% of small firms are on social media, making it the most popular advertising avenue. In fact, 20% rely on social media for visibility online instead of a website.

  • Over a quarter of businesses plan to invest more in marketing in 2023 — 18% in digitally and 10% traditionally.

  • Small businesses account for 60% of Amazon product sales, which translates to 4,000 products sold per minute by small retailers.

08Small business consumer behavior statistics

  • 91% of consumers prefer to support small firms when convenient, and 74% will actively search out small firms even if it’s inconvenient.

  • A wide range of products makes Amazon a first choice for 61% of online shoppers.

  • Some of the most important factors for small business customer service are:

    • Response speed
    • Sense of relationship
    • Enjoyable interactions

  • 71% of consumers expect better support from a small business.
    77% will pay more for better support.

    Two bar charts show the percentage of consumers who value customer support from small businesses.

  • In 2023, 7 in 10 consumers shop consciously to support businesses with corporate responsibility initiatives, like racial justice, LGBTQ+ rights, and climate change.

09Small business owner statistics

  • Minorities own about one-fifth of small businesses, roughly 1.1 million companies in the U.S.

  • 41% of small firm owners hold bachelor’s degrees, 29% hold master’s degrees, and 4% have docorates. The remaind small business owners have lower-level degrees — 10% with associates and 16% with high school diplomas or unspecified education.

  • Small business owners by age:

    • Gen X: 47%
    • Boomers: 40%
    • Millennials: 13%
    • Post-War: 0.3%
    A bar chart shows the percentage of small business owners by age generation.

  • Small business owners are:

    • White: 76%
    • Black: 5%
    • Asian: 5%
    • Hispanic: 5%
    • Native American: 1%
    • Pacific Islander: 1%

  • Nearly a fifth of small businesses are owned by immigrants.

  • There are roughly 1.7 million small businesses owned by veterans.

  • 1 in 4 small businesses is women-owned, consisting of 1.2 million employer firms and 10.9 million nonemployer companies.


Follow along to answer some of the most asked questions about small businesses.

What are the benefits of being a small business?

Though they may face many challenges, small businesses have many benefits over large corporations. A few of these top benefits include:

  • Independence in your business and lifestyle
  • Creative freedom
  • Pride in your business
  • Professional learning opportunities
  • Close customer relationships

How many small businesses are there?

As of 2023, there are 33,185,550 small businesses in the United States.

How many businesses fail?

On average, 20% of businesses fail within their first year. After the second year, the failure rate increases to 30% and 50% by year five. By the 10-year mark, it slows and reaches 65%.

How long does it take for a business to be profitable?

Forty percent of small businesses will become profitable at some point, but it may take two to three years. Many business owners find themselves in the red or just breaking even during the beginning years.

What are the most used software types in business?

On average, small businesses use between 25 and 50 SaaS tools. However, 80% feel they don’t take full advantage of them. Some of the most common tools for small businesses are:

  • Accounting software
  • Time tracking tools
  • Project management systems
  • Inventory management software
  • Customer relationship management systems
  • Communication tools
  • Transactional/point of sale software

The future of small businesses

So where is the future of small business headed? Small business statistics show that firms must adapt to the ever-changing playing field. Technology plays a critical part in staying competitive.

If you’re part of the 83% of small businesses planning to invest in technology in the near future, consider a one-stop solution for efficiency. You don’t have the time or funds to pay the toggling tax of shuffling between multiple tools.

Connected inventory performance solutions like Cin7 Core and Cin7 Omni are just that —  cloud-based inventory management software that gives growing product businesses an automated and real-time view of the entire inventory life cycle. Integrating with applications allows you to consolidate, streamline, automate, and scale your inventory management from one place.


In compiling our list of insightful small business statistics, we looked to the experts at the United States Small Business Administration, U.S. Census Bureau, Bureau of Labor Statistics, and U.S. Chamber of Commerce. We reviewed direct surveys from small business owners and consumers to round out our collection with information straight from the source. We pulled together fresh data from recent years from various relevant and quality sources.

13 small business statistics on business owners, demographics, profitability, and challenges.

Cin7 Core is now a Walmart Approved Solution Provider

We proudly announce our latest integration with Walmart Marketplace as an approved solution provider. This expands our existing marketplace connections that include Ebay, Amazon, and Etsy.

This partnership allows Cin7 Core customers to continue to expand their omnichannel reach without the need for additional software systems, extensive integrations, or manual processes. Adding Walmart marketplace to their channel strategy, sellers can reach approximately 220 million customers each week.

“Thanks to Cin7, managing our inventory and fulfillment has never been easier. The seamless integration with Walmart has allowed us to reach new customers and increase awareness of our products effortlessly.”

– Patrick Hothersall, Liftmode

Through this new standard integration, Cin7 Core customers can easily manage their orders and returns from the Walmart Marketplace, as well as manage their product catalogs.

  • Load sale orders from walmart.com in real-time or in batch mode to see all orders from all sales channels in one interface
  • Export shipping information to Walmart and enhance customer visibility
  • Capture and process returns and refunds for simpler accounting and inventory management
  • Manage product catalogs through the Cin7 Core interface, including listing and unlisting products
  • Update stock levels for up-to-date availability
  • Update product mapping to improve product visibility

Adding the integration of Walmart Marketplace to the collection of over 50 integrations available with Cin7 Core supports our mission of reducing the cost, time and effort of selling products for businesses around the world.

“Partnering with Walmart allows Cin7 customers to expand their businesses and growth – with the software systems they already use and trust. This is an exciting advancement that reinforces our commitment to supporting our customer’s growth.” 

– Ajoy Krishnamoorthy, Chief Product Officer, Cin7

The integration also opens the doors for even more product sellers to join the Walmart Marketplace which offers the opportunity to reach millions of shoppers who have become loyal customers over the years to the instantly recognizable household name – Walmart.

The true winners in this announcement are the product sellers who have the opportunity to quickly expand their reach and customers who have access to a broad assortment through Walmart’s endless aisle. The Cin7 Core and Walmart Marketplace integration is available now as a seamless integration with no additional development work is required.

Recommended Resources:


Link Walmart to Cin7 Core

link walmart to cin7 core

Manage the Walmart catalog

Link products

Load sales from Walmart

Configure the integration settings

Welcome to the next era of Cin7 – a note from CEO David Leach

It’s already been a big year of change for Cin7. As part of our shift to one unifying brand, we’ve:

  • Integrated and simplified our business to make things easier for our customers and partners
  • Invested heavily in product performance, customer service and support improvements (with more to come)
  • Renamed our two mission-critical products: Core and Omni
  • Launched our product vision for Intelligent Commerce

We were also recognized globally by Forbes magazine as being the Best Overall Inventory Management Software of 2023 and, in our own backyard, Hi-Tech Company of the Year in New Zealand!

And now, launching this week, we have a new story, new branding and a new vision for inventory operations designed to help unlock the next generation of global product sellers.

Let’s talk about what’s different, where we’re going next and what it means for you.

New vision, same mission

Our mission hasn’t changed: we’re still laser-focused on empowering product sellers to thrive in a complex and evolving digital world.

But two important things have happened.

First, digital commerce is accelerating at a staggering pace. New channels, new technologies, new customer demands and volatile markets amount to a lot of challenges and opportunities for product businesses to navigate.

Second, Cin7 has grown alongside these shifts to become the technology and growth partner for 8,500 product sellers in 100+ countries. And the more businesses we’ve helped, the more “inventory management” only seems like part of the story. It only scratches the surface of what we offer today (and our vision for the future).

It’s time to reframe what we do for ambitious and growing product sellers. The thing we do best is to help product sellers transition from simply managing inventory to maximizing business performance.

Introducing … Connected Inventory Performance

If you’ve tried to grow a product business then you know the more you sell, in more places, the more complex inventory becomes — and that complexity becomes the enemy of growth.

Traditional inventory management systems do little to address this complexity. While they handle all the finicky, manual, error-prone tasks of inventory management, they sap the time and resources you need to actually grow your business.

On the other hand, Cin7 is built to radically simplify the complexity of inventory management at any scale. That’s why we’re calling what we do Connected Inventory Performance. Here are some of the ways it benefits your inventory operation:

  • Drives efficiency, traceability and automation across every stage of your inventory lifecycle
  • Tracks every product from supplier to storage to shipment to whatever channel customers buy through
  • Integrates with over 700+ applications across the commerce ecosystem
  • Provides deep, real-time insights into your inventory performance to make data-driven decisions

The big picture is that Connected Inventory Performance is designed to help you transform complexity into performance. It’s like the difference between getting your learner’s permit and racing a Formula One car. Sure, both involve driving — but one is about the basic fundamentals of getting from A to B, and the other is the science of creating a competitive advantage through speed, efficiency, and automation.

There are a lot of ways Connected Inventory Performance helps product sellers win — and we’re excited to explore them with you in the coming months.

I’m immensely proud of all that Cin7 has achieved together with our customers and partners so far. I want to say thank you to all of you for allowing us to be a part of your journey.

We believe that Connected Inventory Performance is going to fundamentally change the way that product businesses sell to customers — and we can’t wait to see where it takes you.

If you’re ready to take the next steps with us, take a look around our brand new Cin7.com site and sign up for our August Launch Event here.

Cin7 Named 2023 Hi-Tech Company of the Year by NZ Hi-Tech Awards

Cin7 is humbled and honored to be chosen as the PwC New Zealand Hi-Tech Company of the Year at the 2023 NZ Hi-Tech Awards. As a New Zealand-based company with strong ties to our local roots as well as global ambitions, we’re proud to be recognized by the PwC NZ Hi-Tech Awards as “a shining example of how Kiwi companies can win in global markets.”

The five international judges who chose us as the Hi-Tech Company of the Year winner further highlighted our ability to compete against large international brands by being ahead of the curve in understanding changes in e-commerce and omnichannel selling and supply chains.

At Cin7, we see this as a stepping-off point for global growth for our brand and our customers. We strive to be growth partners for our customers by providing mission-critical software that keeps the business running so they can invent new products and generate more revenue, not just locally, but globally. We want to help create tomorrow’s famous brands.

That being said, we’re especially proud of our New Zealand roots which have been a key source of our “get stuff done” culture. We first applied for this award in 2022 and were honored to be listed as one of six finalists. Going from a finalist to a category winner in one year has been a real honor.

“We’re blown away by this big win and local recognition in New Zealand. As a business founded in New Zealand in 2012, the win is deeply meaningful to all of us here at Cin7. We are very humbled and proud of our brand, our business, our software, and especially our people,” said Cin7’s CEO, David Leach.

“It was great to see so many amazing tech companies from all around NZ getting recognition for their achievements locally and internationally. It was one of those special moments we’ll remember for a very long time.”

Getting to this point has truly been a team effort for Cin7. Over the past 12 years, our company has grown to employ more than 350 people across six countries, and each and every individual contributed to our growth and impact on the industry.

About the NZ Hi-Tech Awards

The NZ Hi-Tech Awards were originally launched in 1994 as the VSI Electronics Excellence Awards. Since its inception, the awards recognize success and excellence in New Zealand’s tech industry at the annual ceremony gala. The NZ Hi-Tech Trust manages the Awards Programme and celebrates the tech sector’s role as a significant driver of New Zealand’s economic and export success.

About Cin7

Cin7’s inventory and order management platform (including Cin7 Omni and Cin7 Core) connects more than 800 e-commerce platforms, online marketplaces, 3PL warehouses, and native EDIs in one solution, helping retailers and product sellers quickly and efficiently get their products to customers wherever they are, from any channel. Cin7 was founded in New Zealand and supports product sellers in 25 countries. In early 2020, Cin7 established a significant US presence to serve its growing customer base and accelerate growth in the North American market. Every month, millions of orders flow through the platform, representing billions of dollars in product sales, as Cin7 helps growing brands sell more products, to more customers, in more places.

In addition to being named Hi-Tech Company of the Year in 2023 by the NZ Hi-Tech Awards, we’ve been named a Great Place to Work in Sri Lanka and a Best Place to Work in Colorado by Built In.