PO systems for small business: Why your business needs one

If you are like most small businesses and startups, you work as a small team and collaborate with a few trusted suppliers. Even though you may know your suppliers well, you should still establish a system of using purchase orders (PO) for purchasing items. A PO is a formal document that can be referred to in cases of payment disputes or quality problems.

Once you are using POs regularly, the next step is to invest in an order management software that allows you to manage POs and other aspects of fulfillment such as tracking orders and expenses, resupplying stock and updating inventory. Read on to learn more about POs and Cin7’s automated order management system.


What is a purchase order (PO)?

A purchase order (PO) is a formal document issued by the buyer and sent to the seller listing all the required goods/services in desired quantities. The seller verifies the PO, delivers the goods to the buyer, and sends an invoice for the completed order. Thus, a PO acts as a legally binding document for buyers and sellers, as both parties can track the ordered items.

Ideally, a PO lists all the required items, their types, quantity, and prices in detail. This is important in case there are problems with the order. For example, if you order 15 printers and the vendor has only sent 14, you will have the PO for validating your order. On the flip side, POs are quite essential for sellers too, as POs will act as proof for the order placed by the buyer. For instance, if a buyer argues about the order quantity, the seller can always hand over the PO to the buyer. It’s a win-win for both parties.


What is a PO number?

A PO number is a unique number assigned to every PO. A PO number can help both buyers and sellers track the goods or transactions. In fact, it acts as a quick reference code for businesses to verify orders.

For instance, if a customer has a query and contacts your office, anyone from your accounts department can check their order just by entering the PO number. Businesses often use the PO number to validate the invoice against the purchase order for any mismatch.


What is a PO system & how does it work?

A PO system helps businesses create POs effortlessly and digitally.. All you need is to fill up your goods requirements in the desired amount and enter the supplier details. The system generates the PO with a unique PO number and sends it to the supplier instantly.

The PO system streamlines the entire order management process, including purchase requisition, supplier approval, receiving goods, getting invoices, and closing the payment. In short, a PO system is not only about purchase orders but also simplifies all the processes associated with order fulfillment. Furthermore, the PO system maintains the entire business transaction record that both parties can quickly refer to. Thus, businesses can track their orders, view order histories, keep their budget in control, and buy the right amount of stock.

A PO system is essential for any product-based business, regardless of size, as it manages inventory, purchases, orders, and invoices daily. Since the PO system aids transparency and accuracy in managing orders, you will have perfect inventory control, knowing what to stock and what to cut down on.


Why should small businesses invest in a PO system like Cin7?

Creating manual POs, maintaining spreadsheets, and following up with suppliers over the phone can be time-consuming and energy-draining. Cin7’s Order Management System offers significant benefits to your business.

1. Save time

Cin7’s OMS saves a lot of your time by simplifying purchasing processes and minimizing manual data entry. You can save the supplier details once and directly send your item list rather than manually entering the supplier details every time. You can readily refer to all the order details and transactions in the PO system. Plus, your employees need not spend time on calculations as the system does it accurately.

2. Gain better control over business processes

Cin7’s order management system is highly transparent, allowing you to view all the business activities in real-time. Hence, as a business owner, you can make data-driven business decisions. For instance, you can compare all the suppliers, their rates, quality, and sales movements. Thus, you can negotiate better deals with the suppliers while delighting your customers with beneficial products that add value to them.

3. Prevent overstocking and understocking of goods

Understocking goods can affect your reputation while overstocking items can dent your profits. With Cin7’s order management system, you can maintain optimal inventory levels at all times. You can automate the system to send POs to suppliers when inventory falls behind certain limits. Can replenishing goods get any easier? Thus, you can ensure you have the right amount of goods at the right places.


Summing up

Giving your employees a feature-packed tool like Cin7s order management system will allow them to work more efficiently as the software streamlines the entire backend process of managing orders. Additionally, Cin7 integrates with accounting software like Quickbooks and Xero, and you can import all your business data into it and keep track of your business’s finances. Thus, you can gain real-time insights into your business and intervene earlier to grow your business faster. Talk to Cin7 experts today to learn more about Cin7’s features and functionalities.

A complete guide to ecommerce fulfillment services and their processes

If you are thinking about putting some or all of your sales business online, you probably have many questions about order fulfillment. What’s the best method for your company? How do you make your warehouse or stocking facility perform at maximum efficiency? How do you ensure that orders go out on time? In this article, we will help you answer them.


What is ecommerce fulfillment?

Ecommerce fulfillment services cover the entire process of getting an item that’s been ordered online to the customer. Ecommerce fulfillment encompasses everything from receiving the online order to retrieving the goods from their place in the warehouse to boxing and labeling them to shipping and delivering them. Whether your company is business to business (B2B), business to customer (B2C), or direct to customer (D2C), if you’re selling your products online, ecommerce fulfillment is the name of the game.


Steps in the ecommerce fulfillment process:


The first step in fulfilling a customer’s order is to collect the items from their storage locations in the warehouse. This is called picking, and it is carried out by a warehouse operator, or picker. There are two basic ways picking can be done: single order and batch. With the first, orders are taken care of individually, with all items from a given order being picked at once; with the second, a number of one particular item is pulled from its storage location at the same time and then those items are divided into multiple orders. Batch order picking means having to sort items into their individual orders after the initial picking stage. While it requires this second step, if there are a lot of orders to fulfill and many of them have the same item, it’s a cost-saving method. The picking method you choose will depend on the size of your warehouse and the number or orders you have to fulfill.

If you have a large warehouse—and they can be gargantuan nowadays—you also have to make sure that your operators are taking the shortest route as they’re picking. This means listing the items in the right picking order. Thus, if item A is stored close to item B, but item C is way across the facility, it would be logical to list their picking order as A, B, C.

All these considerations are taken care of with a pick list. Created by warehouse managers, a pick list is laid out by item location, name, and quantity needed. Pick lists tell the operator, or picker, first where to go, then what to look for, then how many to pull from storage.

After this, the items are sent to packing.


Once the items for an order have been collected, they’re placed in a container. It’s important to make sure that the items aren’t damaged during delivery, so packing has to be done with care – and padding.

After the items have been boxed up, a shipping label is created. This label contains:

  • Name and address of the fulfillment company,
  • Name and address of the buyer – where the package is going to,
  • The weight of the package, the entire thing including goods and packing,
  • Unidirectional code, which is a machine-readable code that can be swiped from any direction,
  • A postal barcode,
  • Method of shipping – standard, express, or priority,
  • A routing number, and
  • A tracking number – this is the number customers use to track their package online.

This label is then attached to the package, and the whole thing is weatherproofed with plastic wrap.


The package is now ready for shipping. This involves collecting the box and getting it to the buyer’s address. A freight carrier like FedEx or UPS will usually be hired for this, but if the seller is small enough and only has local deliveries, they might take care of it themselves. On the other hand, if a company opts to sell their goods through a major online retailer like Amazon, shipping services are part of the deal: Amazon has its own shipping setup.


The final step is to deliver the package to the customer’s door. There, the delivery service may find specific instructions, like being asked to leave the package with a neighbor. Overall, the most important aspect of this last stage is to get the goods delivered on their promised delivery date. Doing this promotes good will – and repeat business.


Ecommerce fulfillment models

There are three models you can choose from:

Fulfillment by the seller

When a company is small or doesn’t have many online orders, it can take care of its own fulfillment. If that’s the case, it probably has its own dedicated shipping department, which, depending on the number of online sales it has to organize, might be a small area and not have a dedicated staff. This fulfillment model also works well if the company specializes in unique and valuable items that need extra care.

This system stops working, however, when:

  • The number of orders suddenly shoots up; if this happens, the self-fulfillment system won’t be able to cope and it will collapse.
  • The company doesn’t have a system in place to ensure that all stages of fulfillment run smoothly.
  • The cost of fulfillment is much higher than it would be if using a third-party shipping partner.

2. Fulfillment by a third party

Third-party logistics, or 3PL, stands for an outside company that’s hired to take over all or part of fulfillment.

If a company handles picking and packing in-house and has a large number of packages to deliver to different locations, it’s a good idea to have 3PL take care of those final stages.

Additionally, 3PL companies can provide facilities for warehousing, and they have staff to do the picking and packing tasks as well. The services you choose to use will, of course, determine the fee you pay.

3. Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA)

When it comes to 3PL, the biggest player is undoubtedly Amazon. A complete online marketplace, Amazon is the go-to site for looking to buy something with a click from the comfort of your home, and it is often the first destination for those searching for a particular product. With FBA, Amazon takes care of everything from warehousing to delivery, and it charges two fees: one for storage, and one for the actual fulfillment process.

There are pros and cons to FBA, and the company offers alternatives like Fulfilled by Merchant (FBM) and Seller-fulfilled Prime (SFP). With FBM, the seller lists their products on Amazon’s online marketplace, but takes care of fulfillment itself. SFP is the same, except that Amazon’s shipping policies are used and the Prime badge can be shown against the products on the website. Each of these Amazon services has its own fee structure.


How Cin7 can simplify your ecommerce fulfillment

It doesn’t matter which fulfillment model you use, Cin7 inventory management software can be your perfect partner. Its integrated order fulfillment module gives you a clear, overall picture of your entire fulfillment process, including getting goods from your supplier and racking, or warehousing, them. Plus, you can operate your account from a mobile device.

But what if you use a 3PL model for fulfillment services? Well, Cin7 has a solution for you too. The software has 3PL feature that allows you to get real-time information about your inventory anytime, from anywhere, no matter what stage of the operation it’s in. Because it’s cloud based, you can access the system from any device.


Wrapping up…

Ecommerce fulfillment service starts when an online order is received by a company, and ends when that ordered item is delivered to the customer. We’ve laid out the steps that are involved in detail and explained the three basic fulfillment methods. While each of these methods is a little different, they all have the same goal: getting your products to your customers in the quickest way possible.

If you’ve been hesitating to set up an ecommerce store because you have concerns about the fulfillment process. keep in mind that Cin7 can provide top-notch services to help oversee and manage your fulfillment, and that it can make the whole process stress-free. Talk to our experts today and book a demo. You’ll be glad you did.


Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) what is it and how it can improve the operation of your business

Being able to transmit information from one company to another quickly is an important component of a well-run business. Every day, important files and contracts like purchase orders, invoices, shipping notifications, and catalogs need to be sent. Having Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) software that can interface with different computer networks and digitally get this documentation to someone you’re doing business with is vital.

Stratview Research has predicted that the global EDI software market will grow from USD $1,845.6 million in 2020 to USD $3,244.6 million by 2026, which is a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 9.9%. While most businesses, especially large ones, are already using EDI to send documentation, there may be some smaller companies that haven’t yet made the digital switch. These companies can reap enormous benefits from adopting EDI.


What is EDI software?

EDI software allows you to send documentation directly from your computer system to that of another company. EDI puts data from one computer system into a format that allows it to be read by another computer system. Without it, a document a company sends out could not be read by the recipient.


What is EDI integration?

When different computer systems can interface because of EDI, they have EDI integration. It’s a seamless, instantaneous way for trading partners to exchange documents like invoices and purchase orders. EDI integration can also be established internally within a company. This means different divisions of a business are able to electronically transfer information between each other and digitally have it at their fingertips. For instance, data kept by the warehouse can be shared with the company’s accounting department.


Steps to establish EDI integration

The overall process of producing a business document and getting it to a trading partner electronically is called the workflow. To successfully set up an EDI workflow, you’ll need to do the following:

  1. Make a list of the companies you’ll be exchanging documents with – your trading partners. This will consist of your suppliers, vendors, wholesalers, etc.
  2. Establish what your EDI endpoint will be. Your endpoint for EDI is the segment of your internal computer network system that will be used for the data exchange. This could be your ERP system, accounting software, logistics system, or warehouse management system (WMS).
  3. Decide which business documents you want to send to your trading partner or partners.
  4. Define your EDI standards. EDI standards are a set of globally recognized rules in the digital world for creating documents that have uniformity. It’s a system for producing documents that can be recognized by different computing systems. There are several established EDI standards; ANSI ASC X12 and ODETTE are two of them.
  5. Select an EDI protocol. An EDI protocol is a kind of language that allows computing systems to communicate with each other. In order to exchange documents from one company to another, both have to use the same EDI protocol. There’s a wide range of EDI protocols available, but the four that are most commonly used are: HTTP, OFTP2, AS2, and REST API.


How does EDI integration work?

The sheer volume of data businesses produce every day means they have to have a centralized database to store it in. This is an ERP system. EDI software integrates seamlessly with ERP systems.

To transmit data, or documents, using EDI, you have to take the following steps:

  • Prepare the document for the ERP system your company uses.
  • Get the document into an EDI format by using an EDI translator.
  • Convert the EDI document into an agreed-upon EDI standard by using EDI conversion software.
  • Transmit the document through EDI communication protocols like OFTP, AS2 or HTTP.


Types of EDI integration

1. Direct EDI integration

Direct EDI Integration or Point-to-Point EDI means that the Internet is being used to facilitate a direct connection between your ERP and your trading partners. Ideal for large-scale organizations that transfer enormous amounts of data on a daily basis, Direct EDI uses a specific protocol.

2. Indirect EDI integration

This involves the exchange of business information between your ERP and your trading partners by using an EDI broker or a Value Added Network (VAN). VAN converts the raw data into EDI data and routes it to the receiver’s endpoint using the EDI communication protocol.

3. Hybrid EDI integration

Hybrid EDI means being able to use both direct and indirect EDI integration. For instance, an organization may use a VAN for indirect EDI transactions when sending some documents, while using direct EDI integration for others.

4. EDI integration as a service

This means using a third-party EDI service provider. There are several reasons why companies would outsource their EDI like this. They may not have the resources to have the software inhouse themselves, or they may choose to focus their time and energy on taking care of the day-to-day operations of their businesses.


EDI for small businesses

Fortune Business Insights predicts that globally EDI software will grow to USD $4.04 billion by 2029, which is a CAGR of 11.6%. The main reason for this is that EDI has become more affordable, which means that instead of only being used by large organizations, small and midsize companies are now able to buy it.

Today there’s sophisticated software like Cin7, which has robust EDI capabilities, a large EDI network, and tools that let you manage your EDI customers in one automated system. Cin7 eliminates the need for any third-party EDI software provider.

Cin7’s software is a fast, efficient, full-fledged EDI tool that offers the following:

Workflow automation

  • Automation for any of your business processes,
  • A streamlined integration between many trading partners, and
  • A better EDI operation in general.

Full service

  • Support from Cin7 all the time,
  • Design and configuration services,
  • Compliance testing that meets the standards you expect, and
  • 24/7 monitoring that looks for errors in your system and resolves any issues you may have.

Data transparency

  • The status of your orders can be checked anytime.
  • There won’t be a need to spend money on third-party EDI providers.
  • Your data can be accessed in real time, and all your orders will be fulfilled accurately.
  • All your data transfers will be standardized.

Support for multiple fulfillment models

  • Seamless coordination with your product distributors, 3PL providers, and commerce channels,
  • An intuitive EDI dashboard that makes EDI easy to use, and
  • Multiple options for cartonization, which means being able to fulfill numerous orders instantly.

Pre-built EDI mapping

  • Ability to track the workflow of orders you have with several of the companies you trade with, and
  • EDI software that’s compatible with American National Standards (X12) and European Standards (EDIFACT), so you can trade globally easily.


How Cin7 can help you with EDI integration

Cin7’s EDI software can interface with major retailers worldwide. As a cloud-based inventory management system, it takes care of your orders and oversees them from initiation to fulfillment while securely transferring your business documents electronically. You won’t need to employ a third-party vendor for these transactions. Cin7’s software takes care of everything.

When orders are fulfilled quickly and accurately, as they are when you use Cin7’s EDI, customers are happy and more likely to become repeat buyers. Since most established firms prefer EDI for B2B transactions, if you invest in the software, you’ll attract clients who, in turn, can expose you to more business opportunities.

Moreover, automating your business processes frees up your employees to work on other, critical areas of your business. These could include client relationships and expanding your inventory, areas that can significantly grow your business.

So, what are you waiting for? Reach out to our Cin7 team for a demo and learn how Cin7 can help you with EDI solutions.

Retailers prefer inventory management software that they can customize — here’s why

According to Statista, global retail sales totalled approximately $23.74 trillion USD in 2020 and are projected to reach $31.7 trillion USD by 2025. That’s a lot of buying and selling of goods, but more importantly, it represents a lot of inventory, a massive amount of inventory. All that inventory has to be managed, and the best way to do this is by using software that’s designed for the job. If you’re a retailer looking to upgrade your system, you should take a look at Cin7. There are many reasons to consider Cin7, but one of the most important is its flexibility — its ability to be adapted to fit your company’s needs while operating within your digital network.


What is retail inventory management?

Inventory management entails determining the quantity of goods or materials a company needs to have on hand to satisfy customer demand. For retail businesses, this is a more complicated process than it is for manufacturing ones. Which is why the software that retailers choose for managing their inventory needs to be able to perform at a high level. In other words, the software has to have the ability to be configured so that it can perform increasingly complex operations. Let’s take a look at the main ways retailers can benefit from inventory management software that has advanced configuration options.

The ability to customize the number of staff who can use the system

Inventory management software usually puts limits on the number of staff who can access the system. This is fine for smaller retailers, but for larger ones that may have multiple outlets, flexibility is key. Cin7 offers a Small Business Plan that gives access to two users, and an Advanced Plan that allows up to eight. But our software can increase that number to whatever your company needs. We call this our Enterprise Plan.

Keeping oversight on stock when using 3PL and being able to handle multiple EDI systems

Third-party logistics (3PL) basically means outsourcing. It’s when a retailer hires another company – a third party – to take care of its fulfillment. The business arrangement may even extend to warehousing. 3PL is especially useful for retailers that sell on multiple online and offline channels. Since manually tracking your inventory on numerous 3PL platforms and outlets is an enormous challenge, it’s important to have software that can do the job. Cin7 has a specific 3PL management feature that helps you administer your inventory stored in any third-party locations from your device. It not only helps you in optimizing your inventory but also speeds up the administrative tasks.

Electronic data interchange (EDI) is the process by which information stored in a computer system is electronically transferred to another computer system. EDI converts the information into a standardized format that can be read by different computer systems.

With the help of EDI, organizations can talk to each other over a standardized set of communication protocols. This helps avoid any inaccuracies that may arise while communicating via non-standardized formats.

Integrated warehouse management

Warehousing is one of the most complicated parts of a retail business. Sometimes a business handles products that need to be stored in different conditions within one space; other times the quantity of goods and size of the business calls for several of these holding areas, which could be in completely different locations. For instance, when a grocery store organizes its warehousing, the food has to be kept at specific temperature and humidity levels. Cin7’s inventory management system can organize all of that. For businesses that have multiple storage locations to oversee, Cin7 can be configured to keep track of the inventory in each one, giving you complete oversight.

Dedicated support and implementation

Cin7’s inventory management system and its Advanced Configuration Plan come with full support. We offer strong customer service to answer any questions you have and resolve any software issues you encounter. This kind of care can be the difference between having your inventory management system run OK and having it run really well.

Customer satisfaction

The main aim of an ecommerce retailer is to provide quality goods on time. If either of these things don’t happen, the business is likely to get a bad reputation and could lose its customers. A reliable inventory management system can prevent this from happening. It will make sure your items are delivered when promised, and it will prevent any out-of-date items from being sent out in the first place. With customer reviews being a mainstay of online sales, having a software system that can organize your business processes to ensure happy customers will not only keep them coming back to you, it will attract new ones.


Final note

Cin7’s advanced configuration for its inventory management system can be of great benefit to any business owner, but it is especially helpful for retailers. Its compartmentalized framework of features, which allows you to select only those you need, and the ability to have these features work together and within your computer network, can increase your profits and improve your customer satisfaction.  If you want to know more about Cin7’s Advanced Configuration Plan, call one of our experts today and request a consultation.

Think loyalty programs are just a cheap discounting tactic? Read this.

Fact or Fiction? Loyalty programs use discount tactics, which cheapens your brand. 

If you’re not playing in the discount market (where it’s pretty much a race to the bottom), you might be wary of discounting. Many retailers hesitate to use discount tactics, even sparingly. They worry that it might cheapen their brand and devalue their stock in the long run.

However, if brand perception is what you’re worried about, loyalty marketing can actually provide many of the benefits of discounting without devaluing your product.

What is loyalty marketing?

Loyalty marketing is a marketing strategy that retailers of all sizes use to increase the lifetime value of their customers, by incentivizing and rewarding repeat purchasing.

Loyalty marketing is both:

  1. A simple value exchange for capturing customer data and growing a customer database; and
  2. A targeted rewards system which can be used to incentivize repeat purchasing and recognise the value of individual customer relationships.

Many retailers are wary of old-school discount tactics. The fear is that these tactics will bring in customers looking for the cheapest price—almost by definition, these people are the least likely to establish an ongoing relationship with merchants.

Instead, retailers can use loyalty marketing to offer discounts on a sliding scale: the more customers spend, the more they benefit from the program.

How loyalty marketing drives revenue growth

Here are six ways loyalty marketing helps your bottom line.

Fashion store owner folding clothes for customer at checkout counter. Woman assisting female shopper at fashion shop checkout.

Data-driven marketing improves ROI

The value of a known customer can be measured, an anonymous customer can not. Loyalty programs give you a method of capturing the customer data required to measure and increase the value of each customer.

Regulars spend more per order than infrequent customers

Customers who come back, again and again, love your brand and are willing to spend more. According to research by BIA/Kelsey and Manta, regular customers spend 67% more per order than one-off or infrequent customers.

Loyalty marketing impacts price perception

According to a study by KPMG, 60% of consumers will buy from a store with slightly higher prices if they will earn a loyalty program reward. More than 65% of customers even admitted making special trip to redeem a free gift from a loyalty program.

Customers have a reason to choose you over a competitor

Loyalty marketing influences the consumer decision-making process. Convenience, price and travel time all play a part in the consideration process. But if a customer has points to redeem at your store, that plays in your favour.

Loyalty marketing creates positive customer experiences

75% of consumers would give “rave reviews” to a loyalty program they’re involved in. Loyalty programs help establish a feeling of reciprocity, an important function of any brand-customer relationship. When customers feel valued, they’re more likely to keep coming back.

You will attract more people similar to your best customers

Loyalty marketing helps brands acquire new customers through referrals. Loyal customers generate word-of-mouth and referrals, so you will build an ever-widening network of new customers similar to your regulars (their friends, family or workmates).

Top 3 loyalty marketing tactics

Here are three of the most effective tactics loyalty marketers use to incentivize repeat business, drive up average order size and increase customer lifetime value.

1. Tiered loyalty programs

One of the benefits of loyalty programs is that you retailers can ‘gate’ discounts, only offering rewards to people who spend above a specified threshold.

Tiered loyalty programs take this concept a step further. Tiers reward the highest-value and most frequent customers with the best gifts or discounts. The most widely known application of tiered loyalty is airline points. Airlines offer tiers like “bronze”, “silver” or “gold” status levels to reward customers in different spending brackets. This incentivizes customers to move up through the ranks to earn higher value rewards.

Done right, a tiered loyalty program will offer genuine value to your customers, whether they’re shopping in-store or online.

Federation + sees 10% revenue boost from loyalty marketing alone

Cin7 customer Federation uses Marsello for their tiered loyalty program, Federation +. Their points and reward options incentivize customers to move up through the levels—Silver, Gold, and Platinum.

Since activating the tiered program, Federation have seen their repeat purchase rate jump to 20%. The loyalty program has led to a 10% increase in total revenue.

2. RFM segmentation

RFM stands for recency, frequency and monetary value. RFM segmentation uses all these factors to categorize a customer database into groups. Customers in a brand’s top segment have purchased recently, make regular transactions, and are in the top percentile of lifetime value.

You can use RFM segmentation to group your database, provided you have purchase data attributed to unique customers.

If you have trouble collecting or tracking this data, a loyalty program provides a fantastic incentive for customers to self-identify. A loyalty program will also drive customers into your most engaged segments by incentivizing repeat purchases.

You can also use your loyalty program tier lists or RFM segments to send one-off campaigns. PB Tech sends occasional rewards like free shipping codes to incentivize repeat purchases. You can tailor your promotions to suit the customer group—giving the most exclusive offers to your best customers.

3. Referral programs

Referral programs encourage existing customers to share your brand with their friends in exchange for loyalty points or rewards. That direct referral is highly influential—people are as much as 4x more likely to buy when referred by a friend.

Loyal customers are a powerful marketing asset. Incentivize customers to tell their friends about your store with a referral program to help you acquire more like-minded customers. You’ll tap into the potential of your customers’ networks (their friends, family or work colleagues), connecting you with consumers who are more likely to love your brand!

Key takeaways

Loyalty marketing elevates brand experience

With a bit of planning and effort, a loyalty program augments the customer experience and leaves them feeling valued.

You can collect data with a loyalty program

We know that our regulars are our most valuable customers. But do you know who they are? Could you send them an email? Or an SMS? To actually market to your most valuable customers, you need to know who their customers are, how much they’re spending, and how to reach them. A loyalty program offers an incentive for customers to self-identify at purchase, so you can collect this information.

Customer data will provide marketing insight

If you’re collecting that data—that’s great! Use your top loyalty tiers or RFM segments to offer personalized offers to your highest value customers.

Get started with Cin7 + Marsello

Powered by Cin7 and your e-commerce data, Marsello works seamlessly in-store and online to provide a true omnichannel customer experience.

  • Capture in-store and online customer details
  • Deliver personalized and timely automated marketing
  • Incentivize repeat purchases with email, SMS, a loyalty program, and more
  • Grow your average basket size with advanced product recommendations
  • Accurately track and attribute sales to your marketing activity

Learn more

What is 3PL fulfillment?

Fulfilling customer orders is a significant part of any business. This order-fulfillment process starts when the customer places an order and ends when it’s delivered to the doorstep.

Many companies facilitate fulfillment by using a third-party logistics (3PL) company. 3PL providers can manage the entire supply-chain process from warehousing to fulfillment. In addition to these services, 3PL can also take care of inventory forecasting. Outsourcing through a 3PL is a good solution when a business grows and is no longer able to handle its order-fulfillment processes in-house.

For any 3PL fulfillment company, there are five basic stages of the fulfillment process. The company retrieves items for the order from the warehouse, then picks, packs, ships and delivers them. Let’s better understand the steps involved to get the right product to the right customer at the right time.


5 stages of 3PL fulfillment

1. Receiving

Even before an order is placed, inventory has to be stocked in a warehouse. If it isn’t there, or if there isn’t enough of it, orders can’t be fulfilled. When the 3PL receives inventory for its warehouse, it will typically fill out a Warehouse Receiving Order (WRO), a document that lists the names of the items and their quantity.

After this, each item undergoes a quality check and has its barcode scanned. By doing this, the 3PL company can check the accuracy of the WRO and make sure that items are stored in the right bins. This is an essential part of their warehousing.

The process is facilitated by state-of-the-art software, such as Cin7’s warehouse-management software, which takes care of managing the inventory the 3PL holds and its warehouse operations.

2. Picking

When a customer’s order is ready to be filled, the Warehouse Management System (WMS) produces a list of the items, called a picklist, and assigns a warehouse associate to pick each of the items from their respective storage bins. To ensure the associate picks the items in the most efficient way—one that takes the most direct route around the warehouse and entails the least amount of walking—a picking pattern is produced. The software easily generates both the picklists and picking patterns.

When picking has been completed, the items of an order are scanned and set aside for packing.

3. Packing

At the packaging station, a team places the items for an order in a box and pads them with appropriate packing materials such as bubble wrap. Ideally, the 3PL fulfillment provider will choose packing material that is secure, yet lightweight enough to keep shipping expenses low. A seller can also usually ask for special packaging to be used. Once packed, the whole box is sealed tight with tape and a shipping label is attached. This contains all the information necessary to get the goods to the customer. At this stage, the packing department will also make sure that the weight and dimensions they have for the package are correct.

4. Shipping

Before being shipped, packages ready for dispatch are separated into their destination areas. This way, all packages intended for a particular geographical area are put together on the same transportation.

At this stage, the 3PL company can either take care of shipping and delivery for you, or you can arrange for a courier company like UPS or FedEx yourself. If your company is small and you don’t have many packages to deliver, it’s usually a good idea to have your 3PL take care of shipping because they will have negotiated good rates with the carriers. They will also know which shipping method to use to get your goods to your customers in the fastest time possible.

5. Returns

Returns and refunds are a fact of life, especially in online retailing where the customer doesn’t actually see the product they’ve bought until it arrives. For whatever reason a product is returned, there has to be a way for it to be done hassle-free. This ensures customer satisfaction. A good way of streamlining returns is to have your 3PL include a return label with the item they’re shipping.

Your 3PL fulfillment provider should make sure that each item they handle is in perfect order before sending it out. When an item is returned, its condition should be checked again and documented. Based on company policy, an item in good condition will either be placed back in the warehouse or be disposed of.


How to have a good 3PL experience

The best way for you to have a good experience from your 3PL is by being able to have oversight. If you have Cin7, you’re able to check on your inventory that’s in their warehouse in real time, know what orders are coming in from which sales channel, and batch track. Batch tracking lets you know things like which group of items a defective one came from and when expiration dates have been reached. Cin7 software will also give you advanced reporting on all aspects of the fulfillment process. Why not book a demo with our experts today?