New Cin7 Study: Spotting the Selling Opportunities this Holiday Season

It’s that time of year again. But for many product sellers, there’s an unexpected Grinch preventing holiday gifts from making their way to customers: the supply chain.

Supply chain delays have been making headlines for nearly two years. Starting with drastic shortages and hoarding, through the Ever Given and the backlog of container ships off the California coast, the ongoing string of bottlenecks has caused frustration for unsuspecting consumers and headaches for product sellers. There’s a mainstream perception of the supply chain as increasingly unreliable and unnecessarily expensive.

These disruptions have shaped product seller actions going into the holiday season. Sellers have embraced early Black Friday kick-offs and warning consumers to get their holiday shopping done early to avoid shipping delays and shortages. But are consumers paying attention to their advice?

According to a recent survey from Cin7, the answer is yes. We surveyed 1,000 U.S. adults to help us better understand how Americans view the latest supply disruptions and their sentiment around the industry overall. The results can help guide how product sellers navigate the end of a tumultuous shopping season and adapt their inventory practices as a result.

The topline takeaways include:

They’re Shopping Earlier

58% of people are aware of supply chain delays and have shifted their shopping behavior as a result. Over half of respondents (55%) started their holiday shopping within the September/October timeframe, with only 25% of consumers waiting for the unofficial kick-off of Black Friday deals to hit before actually purchasing gifts.

But their changed behavior came with a tradeoff for product sellers to execute on their orders: while 65% of consumers expect to pay more this holiday season, 53% would return the purchase and want a refund if it didn’t arrive in time for the holidays.

They’re Shopping Local

Consumers may have moved up their shopping timetable, but the majority are still worried about shopping online. In fact, only 25% of shoppers DON’T have concerns about online shopping – the top concerns being the cost of shipping, speed of shipping and package theft.

In response, 87% of respondents are making the effort to shop local and shop at small businesses. 47% are doing so more than last year, 40% noting about the same. The majority of people (55%) are also paying attention to the location/locality of where their purchases are coming from. And 63% of people would prefer to see and touch a product in-person before buying it.

People don’t buy small and local, however, because they’re necessarily woke to Amazon or wary of big retail. Only 14% of people don’t shop at Amazon because of ethical or environmental concerns. In fact, 49% don’t have any concerns at all, and 31% have concerns but still shop on Amazon.

For product sellers, it’s critical to understand how consumer behavior is shifting this holiday shopping season. They can adapt to shifts by having a variety of channels and options to make all buying possibilities a reality for consumers. And for those consumers making more of an effort to shop small and local, product sellers must lean into this sentiment to navigate the tail end of the shopping season that has the potential to go “out with a bang” beyond Small Business Saturday.

As Product Sellers move to adapt to the “new normal” of consumer behavior and look to have continued success in the future, it is critical that they have the solution infrastructure to successfully scale their business. With more businesses taking advantage of eCommerce to expand their offering by channel and region – utilizing the right software to handle inventory and order management is crucial to an efficient multichannel operation. Adequate planning, management and execution of supply chain movements will ensure fulfillment capabilities across multiple channels and help suppliers take advantage of larger customer bases.

We’ve all been impacted by supply chain challenges, but it’s the season of good cheer after all. By diversifying inventory and changing selling strategies in response to consumer behavior, this tumultuous holiday season can still be merry and bright.

Here’s how partnering with a 3PL company can help you cut down your logistics costs


Order fulfillment is a key part of running a successful product-based business. In the fast-paced world that we live in, simply manufacturing quality products isn’t enough. Companies that provide the quickest delivery times are most likely to become market leaders and stand out among their competitors.

Due to the growing significance of logistics management, the world has witnessed a steady rise in companies outsourcing their order fulfillment to third party logistics (3PL) providers. Studies show that companies who outsource order fulfillment operations earn 14% more revenue per employee, compared to those who don’t.


What is a 3PL company?

A 3PL company is a fulfillment service that includes a range of operations, such as warehouse management, logistics, order management, returns management, and customs. Backed by years of experience, 3PL companies carry out these operations on behalf of their customers.

As a concept, 3PL is gaining momentum as the world moves towards higher and faster connectivity. Around the world, manufacturers and product-based companies are collaborating with expert 3PL companies to take care of their order fulfillment requirements, and the results are outstanding.


Advantages of partnering with a 3PL company

Here are some of the most important benefits of partnering with a 3PL company:


Order fulfillment is one of the crucial aspects of a company’s supply chain. It’s also a totally different ballgame than procurement and manufacturing. Many companies that are experts in manufacturing quality products, may at times struggle with logistics, and vice versa.

By partnering with a 3PL company, you can gain immensely from the company’s years of experience. 3PL companies provide much needed technical and personnel support to your logistics operations.

Negotiate rates

Since a 3PL partner brings industry experience, it can negotiate a better deal with shipping companies as compared to if the seller does it alone. Also, a 3PL partner knows multiple shipping companies and can extract competitive pricing by constantly comparing rates.

Free up time and resources

One of the key benefits of hiring a 3PL partner is that it can rid you of worry about activities that aren’t your core competencies. If you’re primarily a manufacturer or a seller, you’d rather focus on enhancing your products or selling more. That’s exactly what partnering with a 3PL company helps you do.

Third party logistics companies essentially take over your order fulfillment process. As a result, by simply partnering with them, you gain access to a large pool of experienced and skilled resources. You don’t have to worry about training and housing these resources in your facility.

According to a Cin7 study, businesses with 3PL partners were 25% more likely to have positive year-on-year growth, compared to businesses that handled their logistics in house.

Gain flexibility and scalability

The primary goal of any business is to scale up with time. However, as you scale up your production and your sales, your logistics and order fulfillment operations must also expand.

This is where a 3PL partner can save the day. By partnering with a third party logistics provider that is capable of handling large orders, you no longer have to worry about scalability of your logistics.


Improve customer satisfaction

The end goal of any business is to create a customer experience that is both enriching and enjoyable. When you partner with a 3PL company, it helps you put your product in the hands of the customer in a much more efficient manner. It also allows you to focus your energy towards building better products for your customers.

All of this translates to a premium user experience, something that can easily help you stand out among the competition. This is why companies around the world are increasingly partnering with 3PL companies.


Source: 2021 Inventory and Order Management Trends

How to find the right 3PL partner

Check the 3PL’s ability to scale

While looking for a 3PL partner, it’s important not just to consider your present requirements but also your future needs. Your business ought to have well defined future plans. Check if the company is capable of handling the kind of rise in business that you see for yourself in the future.

Changing 3PL partners frequently isn’t advisable. Therefore it’s for the best if the company you select is capable of lasting many years.

Check technological capabilities

Technology is central to most decision-making today. Choosing the right 3PL partner should be no different. While comparing different 3PL companies, look at the quality of their technologies.

Do they use an efficient warehouse management system? A good WMS ensures that your products are handled with utmost care and little to no human interference.

A technologically advanced 3PL company will be able to track your products quickly. They will also be able to provide timely and accurate reports and analysis. All of these factors help in determining whether or not the 3PL provider is a good fit for your company.

Domain-specific experience

While choosing a 3PL, it’s also important to check whether the company has any previous experience with your domain. This becomes even more important if your products require specific conditions while shipping them to your customers.

There are 3PL companies that specialize in handling high-end luxury products, while some are experts at handling pharmaceuticals. It’s important to seek these companies out and only partner with those that are able to fulfill your requirements.



The advantages of partnering with an expert 3PL company are manifold. They not only save you money and effort, but also enrich your order fulfillment process and make it more efficient.

Businesses today want to leverage global supply chains and create products faster, cheaper and better. With the help of a 3PL partner, you can put your products in the hands of your customers faster, cheaper and better.



Posted in 3PL

7 Advanced Technologies That are Redefining eCommerce

The global pandemic has changed our way of living, shopping and socializing. We are compelled to shop digitally for most things and mobile phones have made that much easier. Some online sellers have benefited from the global pandemic.

Existing eCommerce businesses are looking forward to infusing their sites with the latest technologies and tools. Startups are eager for the latest technologies and trends to begin their game.

It can be easily said that advanced eCommerce technologies have redefined the online landscape forever and will continue to do so.

What is eCommerce?

eCommerce (electronic commerce) refers to the buying and selling of goods or services VIA the Internet and the transfer of money and data to execute them.

eCommerce is often referred to as the sale of physical products online, but it also describes any commercial transaction facilitated via the internet.

E-business refers to all the aspects that operate an online business and eCommerce refers to transactions of goods and services.

Types of eCommerce Businesses

There are mainly four types of eCommerce models that would describe almost every transaction taking place between consumers and businesses:

  • Business to Consumer (B2C)
  • Business to Business (B2B)
  • Consumer to Consumer (C2C)
  • Consumer to Business (C2B)


Advanced Technologies That are Redefining eCommerce

As the eCommerce industry sees rampant growth with technology at the helm, let’s have a look at seven advanced technologies that are enabling its growth:

IMAGE suggestion

#1. Payment Gateway Technology or Online Transaction Processing (OLTP)

OLTP is an information system that facilitates and manages transaction-oriented applications. With some of the latest and most secure online transaction processing technologies, OLTP  creates secure payment gateways and a myriad of money transfer methods for boosting eCommerce.

Digital wallets are the best and most often used example of advanced OLTP technologies.

Digital wallets make payment transactions quick, simple and secure for everyone regardless of Internet connection (wired, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, mobile).

#2. mCommerce

When we talk about mCommerce, it means mobile commerce. mCommerce shopping happens VIA smart devices and is becoming one of the most lucrative eCommerce niches.

Advanced technologies that redefine eCommerce include mobile marketing. Most customers prefer to use their mobile devices for online business.

Competitors may take advantage of mCommerce to acquire more customers who prefer the mobile eCommerce niche. As this niche expands, poor mobile execution or no mobile at all will cause companies to lose out in the market.

Big or small, you can use mobile apps to advance the course of your business. You can provide a seamless experience to your customers by making use of excellent apps. Always use apps that make their shopping easier and fun-loving.

#3. Supply Chain Management (SCM)

SCM has developed over time to support manufacturing and globalization. Today, we live in a specialization era where SCM is available as-a-service.

The role of supply chain management technology is more evident in eCommerce and has given birth to various online portals for B2B, B2C, C2C, and C2B like-business models. SCM influences both pre-production and post-production to ease stressed supply chains.

Manufacturing and blockchain technologies are also emerging as revolutionary new technologies in SCM for eCommerce.

The booming eCommerce industry, even post-pandemic, has led to warehouse and labor shortages nationwide, making it difficult to secure staff and space. As a result, warehousing costs are on the rise, including the prices of 4PL services.

Investing in integrated technologies in the form of cloud-native warehouse management may be helpful. Third and fourth party logistics providers (3PL, 4PL) are highly adaptable and allow you to scale and pivot operations quickly.

Investing in warehouse-as-a-service from an outsourced logistics provider gains access to both employees and state-of-the-art warehouse technology costing a fraction of what it would cost to develop your own warehouse.

#4. Artificial Intelligence

AI or Artificial Intelligence is everywhere, and eCommerce is no exception as sellers strive to give their shoppers personalized experiences. Personalization technologies are highly dependent on AI.

Also, real-time and automated chatbots are a craze in the eCommerce industry. Chat software relies on AI technologies to respond intelligently to consumer inquiries.

#5. Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)

Electronic data interchange technology allows eCommerce businesses to exchange information that was historically shared on paper.

For example, eCommerce shoppers and merchants enjoy automatically placing orders, generating invoices and tracking the entire shipping process.

EDI’s high standards have made the order-making process and receiving goods VIA online shopping stress-free. Now, customers can place orders, receive invoices and goods automatically and hassle-free.

#6. Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)

EFT technology has seen recent improvements like encryption-like technologies that enhance its security. EFTs have reduced our over reliance on physical banks.

Direct debit, withdrawals and deposits for payments, e-bill payments and instant payments are some e-payment options. They determine our concurrent financial activities.

The annual report of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) supports the visible growth of EFT technology in the economy and its positive impact on eCommerce.

#7. Blockchain

There is a lot of controversy around blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies. Blockchain technology is gaining trust as a method for online payments and for its concept of a distributed genuine ledger of all digital transactions.

Blockchain ensures transparency, security and decentralization making it an attractive option for accepting online payments. Payments and exchanges with fiat currencies take more time and are costlier; hence cryptocurrencies are becoming popular. You can make shipping ‘smarter’ by providing encryption in deliveries using blockchain.

The future of the eCommerce marketplace will be blockchain-driven and it will transform the industry.

Cin7 Inventory and Order Management Software

Cin7 understands that tracking orders, inventory levels, sales and shipments are critical business phases. Our inventory management software helps your online business eliminate overstocking and stock outages.

We offer attractive features like reorder points, service management, asset tracking, product identification and inventory optimization.

ERP inventory and order management technologies are meant for enterprises. Our inventory management software leverages the cloud and offers several benefits like cost efficiency, data updates, warehouse management and real-time analysis.

Our cloud inventory management technologies enable inventory management across multiple sales channels and multi-location warehouses.

How Inventory Management Software Can Revolutionize Your Business

Managing inventory can be a challenging task for companies, especially in a volatile market like the one we’re in today. Companies need to closely monitor the flow of goods through the supply chain to avoid any potential outages.

An inventory management system is software that tracks your products as they move through the supply chain. It is a powerful tool that can give you real-time visibility into your inventory and put you in greater control.

Benefits of Inventory Management Software


One of the biggest advantages of a robust inventory management software system is that it allows you to automate mundane, repetitive and error-prone tasks. This is not to say that these tasks bear any less importance than the ones that require human intervention.

Some of the most repetitive tasks are also some of the most important ones. For example, the process of reordering items once the stock level breaches a threshold of minimum quantity is a crucial inventory management activity. And this can be easily automated with the help of inventory management software.

When you automate repetitive tasks, you’ll have a lot more time in your day for working on long- term business strategy.

Cost Savings

Running with lean inventory is a well-known way to increase your profit margins and cut down on wastage. However, companies who still manage their inventory using manual legacy processes often carry large amounts of inventory. Moreover, when they try to implement inventory control manually, they often end up severely understocking and underperforming.

In contrast to this, businesses that adopt inventory management software can be more strategic, significantly cutting down on excess inventory without having to suffer from understocking. This is due to the real-time tracking of stock and laser sharp reports and analysis that the right software solution can provide.

Accurate Reporting of Data

Data-centric decision making is a key ingredient in successfully managing inventory. Any business that wants to run on lean inventory relies heavily on accurate reporting and analysis of data collected through various channels.

The right inventory management software accumulates pertinent data and creates insightful information. Companies using powerful inventory management software can generate timely reports on the fly and make business decisions accordingly.

Happier Customers

Let’s start with production. An inventory management system provides an accurate picture of procurement and storage of raw materials and component parts for assembly. It also stores valuable information about where the finished products are stored.

When orders are placed, the software checks the inventory and updates the stock levels so that customers can be given realistic delivery timelines. When a product is about to run out of stock, the software places wholesale orders for replenishment.

When a product is returned by a customer, the software processes the product back into inventory and updates the stock levels accordingly. This saves time and energy otherwise spent on tallying inventory levels and return orders.

These are just a few examples that reflect the benefits smart companies enjoy when they adopt inventory management software to ensure great customer experiences.


Businesses around the world are competing against known and unknown competitors, thanks to the global supply chains taking shape. In a competitive climate such as this, every efficiency matters.

Robust inventory management software can make the difference between success and failure in business. It’s an investment with benefits that vastly outweigh the cost and one that puts you closer to the finish line by miles.

Download our report to read more in detail!

Leveraging Technical Talent to Boost Profitability

Cornering the market with a can’t lose product line is not enough to generate profitability and ongoing growth. Today’s retailers require a highly knowledgeable staff with fresh expertise ranging across product, customer support, digital marketing, finance and IT.

Sellers must hire the right technical talent to manage their business and increase operational efficiency. Having a strong technical team will always improve the chances of success.

Our recent industry study of over 4,000 online eCommerce sellers and 7,000 Cin7 customers gave us critical insights into specific business practices of the most successful retailers.

Let’s take a look at some of the highlights from the report chapter that focuses on the importance of technical talent. The below-graph depicts why technical talent is must for growth associated with operational efficiency.

How a company obtains, shares, and leverages business insights can significantly impact its capacity to grow.


How will I know when it’s time to contract with or hire technical talent?

  • Lack of growth and profitability.
  • Feeling stuck.
  • No solid business plan.
  • Feeling overwhelmed or discouraged.
  • Unable to accomplish your business goals.
  • Doubting your skill-set.

If you are facing any of these challenges, then now is the right time to consult with a technology coach and benefit from their guidance.


How Technical Resources Can Help Increase Business Efficiency:

Identify Areas of Improvement

Hire coaches and consultants experienced in advising market leading product sellers. An experienced technical advisor can quickly identify improvements to internal processes that result in greater efficiency and profitability. Your technical stack may need additional or more modern versions of important software programs. A forward-thinking technical expert with experience in your specific market or product category can identify the common issues seen in your business and put you on track for expansion. The objective viewpoint of an impartial outsider can help isolate what’s not working for your business and suggest practical solutions.

Regain your Confidence

If an honest look inward tells you that you’ve lost confidence in your ability to manage your business, it may be time to follow the advice of a technology coach. A technology coach or technical hire will directly help you build effective strategies that put your business back on track to succeed and take it to the next level.


Question Your Approach

Running your business in a personal vacuum without any unbiased guidance can hold you back. Bringing in technical resources will give you perspective and reveal new options and strategies.

Hiring a technology coach will help you to move beyond the status quo by adopting current, relevant technical solutions that solve business challenges and boost operational efficiencies.

An innovative technology coach can see the bigger picture and plan for the future of your business and assist you in setting some big goals for growth.


Getting Unstuck

If you feel stuck – don’t worry! A skilled technical coach will help you figure out where you are stuck and how to overcome any blocks. A coach who combines experience with an analytical approach and creativity will make every effort to get your business moving forward again.

Define Business Goals

It is essential to update your business goals on a regular basis and modify your business plan accordingly. If you’re busy handling day to day business tasks, a technology coach can step in and help you refresh and prioritize your business goals. They will also help you define the tasks you should be focusing on and improve your time management skills.

Providing Accountability

If you find yourself awash in to-dos and days that fly by without a feeling of deep accomplishment, it may be time to leverage an accountability partner. In addition to defining a clear path forward for your business, touching base with a skilled technical coach on a regular basis can keep you on track to accomplish the specific business goals that will add up to greater success.

Coming up with Great Ideas

Increasing the number of people on staff who can bring creative ideas to your business will directly impact its growth. A technical team that stays current with the latest trends in software automation can streamline outdated, manual processes freeing you and your other teams up to focus on their specialties. It may be time to abandon unproductive assumptions in order to pursue more profitable priorities.

Brainstorming and Feedback Sessions

Brainstorming and feedback sessions are essential to developing better business practices. Regular sessions encourage business owners to identify new challenges and come up with solutions. Your technology coach can be your sounding board to hear your ideas and they will share their thoughts and concepts.

Well Rounded Guidance

Everybody needs guidance at some point in life. This is especially true in business. Your technical resources should be able to provide you with advice and business tips. Their input will ultimately help you grow your business and keep it on the path to success.


Summing Up

Keeping all these points in mind will take your business to new heights of success.

Check out these success stories included in the recent report-

  • How Meghan Fabulous gave manual business processes an extreme makeover resulting in 69% revenue growth
  • Halkin helps Arms of Eve embrace Cin7

Download our report to read both the success stories in detail!